Jan-Feb 2024

Director’s Update

In the first video message of 2024, Rashada previews the AAAS Annual Meeting in Denver next month. Listen in to learn about upcoming STPF Alumni events and exciting STPF team updates. Watch Rashada’s full video now. 

Image caption: STPF Fellows from left to right, front: Sydney Parker, Alexandra Graham, Paul Lartey, Jenifer Buckley, Vince Tedjasaputra. Back: Joshua Wolff.

Four STPF Alumni Improving Public Health from Chicago

Every year, the STPF alumni network continues to grow and for the four alumni featured here— Alexandra Graham, Joshua Wolff, Jenifer Buckley, Vince Tedjasaputra—building a community of former fellows in Chicago has provided mentorship, support and kinship. Read more

The STPF@AAAS 2024 Preview

At the AAAS 2024 Annual Meeting in Denver from February 15-17, STPF fellows and alumni are deep in the programming, participating in sessions covering science, tech, and policy. The three-day meeting is packed full with exciting sessions, with special STPF programming that you won't want to miss! Read more

Only on AlumniEngage

Candid Career Conversations. The first in a series of three alumni-exclusive virtual conversations featuring alumni, this one’s all about changing sectors. Taking on a new role or curious how others navigate their careers? Watch now  (Password: alumnionly )

STPF on LinkedIn

January 12: [Seen on fellow Courtney Gibbons’ feed] “At the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships Career Summit - inspiring to see what fellows can do, have done, and will do! Looking forward to learning more about infusing my experiences as a fellow (in the US Senate and at the NSF) into my life as a mathematician.”



Teri Allendorf

“My experience as a AAAS STPF [fellow]...laid the foundation for my career over the past twenty years. Engaging with biodiversity policies and programs around the world gave me the opportunity to understand their implementation and impact from the top down and the bottom up.” Leveraging that experience, Teri Allendorf (2000-2002 Executive Branch Fellow at USAID) is now the executive director of Community Conservation, a non-profit that supports communities around the world to protect biodiversity. Image: Birendra Mahato  

Andrew Mara

Recently named head of Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory National Security Analysis Department, Andrew Mara (2008-10 Executive Branch Fellow at the Dept. of Defense) leads a 200-person department that informs and delivers the analytic foundation for technology and policy related decisions. "The STPF fellowship was the experience that taught me how to apply academic research skills to real world national security challenges; it was absolutely the launchpad for my career!" 

Rachel Radell-Harris

Last month, Rachel Radell-Harris (2007-08 Legislative Branch Fellow) was sworn in as Mayor of Auburn, CA and brings a fresh perspective to the city’s future. “My year as a AAAS [STPF]/ASCE fellow in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s office was an important stepping stone on my path to running for Auburn City Council…I am honored that I will have the opportunity to use what I learned as a fellow to serve my community as Mayor.”  


STPF Speed Networking

Denver | February 15

Science Policy Networking Mixer

Denver | February 16



Meet STPF staff and/or fellows at these events

AAAS Annual Meeting

Denver | February 15-17

AAAI Conference

Vancouver | February 22-24

American Physical Society March Meeting

Minneapolis | March 4-7

National Postdoctoral Assoc. Annual Conference

Seattle | March 15-16

ACS Spring Meeting

New Orleans | March 17-21


Mar-Apr 2024


Nov-Dec 2023