Sep-Oct 2023

Collage of STPF alumni presenting their work at the U.S. Botanical Gardens.

Alumni tap into scientific roots for the U.S. Botanic Garden

Do you know that bats are important pollinators? Or that plants use chemicals to communicate? This summer in a first-of-its-kind partnership between USBG and the STPF Alumni Network, five alumni – Kari Perez, Heather Spence, Elizabeth Stulberg, Susan Tsang, Melissa Whitaker – served as scientific experts in the garden’s visitor program. Read more

Image: USBG and Heather Spence

STPF Director’s Update

From welcoming the 51st class and the new Rapid Response Cohort in AI to officially launching the Alumni Network Pilot Year, it's been a busy two months! Tune in to hear what's coming up next for STPF alumni. Watch Rashada's video update now

STPF 51: Welcoming the new class of fellows

This month, the 51st class of STPF fellows began their year in Washington. This year’s cohort - including Carlos MartinezShakira GrantBek PetroffJacqueline Smith and Alvin Tran - comes to their fellowships from widely varying backgrounds, but with a shared vision for applying their scientific training and expertise to help inform federal policymaking. Read more

Text says "Recap: Alumni Town Hall" and below is a thumbnail of the town hall recording. In the thumbnail is AAAS CEO Sudip Parikh.

Only on AlumniEngage

Last month we held an Alumni Town Hall for you to hear updates from AAAS and STPF leadership, including CEO Sudip Parikh. We also talked about the new AI Rapid Response cohort, the launch of the pilot Alumni Network, and more. If you missed the Town Hall, check out the highlights here! (Password: alumnith2023)

Stella Uzogara posing in front of a AAAS STPF backdrop.

STPF on LinkedIn

August 19: Congrats to fellow Stella Uzogara (2022-23 Congressional Science & Engineering Fellow sponsored by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation) for receiving the Abbott Nutrition Award in Women's Health!

Secretary of State fetes partnerships with STPF

In a festive event complete with cake and a champagne toast, STPF and the U.S. Department of State celebrated a milestone in the two organizations’ shared commitment to science-informed policymaking: more than 40 years of STPF fellows bringing their scientific expertise to the State Department. Read the story 



Ali Nouri

Congrats to Ali Nouri (2008-09 Legislative Branch Fellow sponsored by AAAS), new Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs! “The STPF fellowship...opened doors and let me apply the science and evidence-based thinking I had learned in academia toward the policy process in Congress, at a nonprofit, a federal agency, and now the White House.” Ali works to advance the Administration's agenda vis-a-vis the U.S. Senate.

Image: Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense   

Kristin Ludwig

As White House Office of S&T Policy Asst. Director for Resilience Science & Technology, Kristin Ludwig (2011-12 NSF fellow; 2012-13 Dept. of Interior fellow) provides leadership and coordination on using S&T to inform resilience on a range of disruptions such as natural hazards and climate change. “The fellowship provided the perfect springboard for pursuing a career at the intersection of science and policy. I continue to leverage the STPF network for my work.”

Image: Taylor Hulett Photography 

Devavani Chatterjea

Recently appointed the Deputy Director for Chemical Safety of the Council on Environmental Quality in the Executive Office of the President, Devavani Chatterjea (2021-23 fellow at the State Dept.) combines attention to scientific detail with broader analyses of economic vitality, community and stakeholder engagement, and environmental justice to advise senior White House officials. “STPF expanded my horizons at warp speed and helped me realize my lifelong goal of public service.” 


Regional Alumni Reception

Portland | October 25

Regional Alumni Luncheon

Atlanta | November 10

Save the Date: Regional Alumni Reception

San Francisco | December 13



Meet STPF staff and/or fellows at these events


Portland | October 26-28

Society for Neuroscience

Washington, D.C. | November 11-15

American Public Health Association

Atlanta | November 12-15

American Geophysical Union

San Francisco | December 11-15


Nov-Dec 2023


Jul-Aug 2023